čtvrtek 8. července 2010

GAG - P.T.Dance (Diamine, 1983) & Oozlum 'dance like penguin tiger' edit (2010)

GAG - P.T.Dance (1983)

P.T.Dance is easily one of the most unexpected discovery that Oozlum glanced while flying over an abstract italo corridors! Almost no feathers left! Here is the oozlum feather dust!

GAG - P.T.Dance (Oozlum 'dance like penguin tiger' edit) 2010

Effectually launched at Aeroport (45th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival) & at the same moment introduced on the air in Vibrator. Thank you!

Tvyks (Vibrator) : "Jinak musim rict, ze tenhle loop zni tak sveze, ze by na tom klidne ted mohli postavit cely dubstep."

115 : 52

"I must say this loop sounds so fresh that it would be on the quiet now able to stand the whole dubstep."

vibraTOR on fairtilizer or blog

update 03 :

update 04 :
New youtube comment from Alex :

Hi all. I am Alex Sisto and i sang this song with two my friends Claudi Mirci e Lorenzo Caporaletti presso "Diamine records and tapes" di Mestre - VENEZIA . I'am still alive and now remixing. I'm glad you like it. i will make a remix, perhaps. Ciao


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