středa 24. dubna 2019

Oozlum - The Secret Catharsis Of Light - Symphony No.1 (2013-2016)

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Front Cover Photography by Katarina Zackova

A new mystery had supervened.

I am very pleased to announce "The Secret Catharsis of Light" which I worked upon in 2013-2016.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.

I believe this work to be an autonomous visionary oeuvre of one of its kind. A pool that nobody’s fathomed the depth of before.

Now, as a preface to its launch in a few months on one of ready-to-appreciate record label (#unsigned, #lookingforrecordlabel), I offer up this small portion of Aetheral lighwaves of dazzling sonic transformations radiating 3 movements (holding together one hour of music in final launch). See booklet for more information.


Continual world's breathing that we call silence.

. . celebrating Gorecki's, Kilar's and Alfeyev's commitment to profound metaphysical hope. These sources seem to have represented the spiritual expression that I sought to achieve.

update 01:
'The Secret Catharsis of Light' has been updated from snippets only to the full length album. Thank you for listening.

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