pondělí 13. února 2012

Hekate - Seelenreise In Deinem Leben In The House Of God (Oozlum rework, 2012)

Seelenreise (Oozlum instrumental edit)
In Deinem Leben (Oozlum instrumental edit)
House Of God (Oozlum instrumental edit)

Modern medieval ritual dance with meditative equivalence!

Listen (only on request)

Melancholia can be very seductive indeed!

Seelenreise (Oozlum instrumental edit)

harp, bombastic, demanding rhythm pounding zones, flute, slow flow of blood canals in the ascending dark lands

In Deinem Leben (Oozlum instrumental edit)

aferica drumming, bombastic martial, dark fanfare, amoebic industrial, pagan ritual...and acid

House Of God (Oozlum instrumental edit)

bewildering beauty of the nature, gratification, ritual, abandoned mysteries, humming bass

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