čtvrtek 23. prosince 2010

Menu Foie Gras (Laterna Magika Nov 25th 2010)

Plastic / paper / glass as the foundation-stone of sorted waste elements!
Nothin new, we all do. (At least readers of this blog.)

Author : Zuzana Kubickova
Choreography : Olo
Contracting authority : Prazske sluzby a.s.

An injection of Zuzana's sense for flirtatious re-order (that was done way ahead of exactness) was accompanied by Olo choreography and Oozlum sense for aural sensuality (to name a few).

L I S T E N (only on request)

It was a pleasure to follow Olo's wish to make it sound as it looks (late 50's ♩ territories). Altought Oozlum hasn't been flying over such auralscapes the soundtrack above is the auricular interpretation of each of the piece :

calendar :

ph by Karel Losenicky

backstage :

ph by Jindrich Mynarik

still images and sketches (Zuzana's) :
Olo (in czech only)
Olo, thank you for providing strong attitude introducing the vision of each of the creation to the client!

wet plate technique of post-photography documentation by Ondrej Janu :

complete collection here

la motion material :
VIDEO by Daniel Pietrucha

Special thanks to Marco for showing me some hot spots under tha blanket!

update 01 :
New York City bans foie gras

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